Circle of Secrets Page 15
Marissa laughed, “Well Mom, that’s actually why I was calling. I wanted to see if was okay if I brought a guest. I haven’t asked him yet, but I’d like to.”
“I think that’s a wonderful idea, your father and I would love to meet him. Sophia agrees. She just said ‘yes, please bring Dr. Martinez!’” They both laughed as she heard her daughter in the background.
“Okay, I’ll invite him and I’ll let you know for sure by Thursday. And please, Mom…if I do, ask Dad to be on his best behavior?”
Her mother chuckled. “I can’t promise anything, you know your father. But I’m sure he will. Let me know and take care. Would you like to talk to Sophia now?”
“Sure, yes,” she waited until Sophia picked up the phone.
“Hey Momma!” Sophia said excitedly.
“Hey baby, are you and Sam having fun? Being good and staying out of trouble?”
“Yes, we are having SO much fun. This guy who moved in down the beach, he’s a surf instructor, and is teaching all the kids for free! Mama, it’s so fun, and I’m getting good at it, kinda.”
She could hear Samantha in the background saying, “Yeah, if falling off all the time is good at it.” They both laughed.
“I’m so glad you’re having fun, baby. Just continue to be good and mind your manners. Understand? And be careful, my little surf star.”
“I will Momma. Sam said to tell her mom hi in case you talk to her before she does tonight.”
“I sure will. Love you, call me before bed.” They exchanged kissing sounds over the phone and hung up. She looked at the time and decided to get dinner on the stove. It was odd cooking for one. Going for something small, she decided on a ham, egg and cheese omelet. She sang along and danced to the song on the radio as she made her omelet. The phone rang as she danced her way to the couch and answered.
“Hello beautiful.” She smiled and walked back to the stove where she flipped her omelet.
“I was just going to call you in a few minutes. You must be a mind reader or something.”
“Nah, I just got home an hour or so ago. I was calling to see how your appointment went?”
“It went great. She’s really nice and I like her. She asked why I transferred and I told her it was personal, so she may get the subtle hint. Either or, it is personal.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, she probably assumes. But all is well, you’re no longer my patient. How are you feeling?”
“I’m glad you care, but if I hear that question one more time today I’ll scream. Sorry, I’m just…I feel so good. It just seems as if that’s the only question I ever hear.”
“What are you wearing?” he said in a deeper sexy voice.
She laughed out loud and her mouth dropped. “Carlos!” He chuckled on the other end which made her laugh again.
“Well, you needed a new question. I bet you haven’t heard that today. Or have you?” He teased as she blushed and covered her face.
“No I haven’t, actually. Not until now. Thank you, you made me laugh.”
“So I was going to call you and ask if you were busy Friday night. I’m going have dinner with my parents and see Sophia for a bit. They’d like to meet you, but I understand if you’re busy or if it’s too soon.”
“I’m free and I’d love to. Too soon? What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean…too soon to meet my parents. Since we aren’t…official?” She almost whispered the next part.
“The way I see it, you made us official when you got a new doctor. I want nothing more than to be with you, if that’s what you want?”
“I--I…yes. I’d like that very much. Is it safe to be involved? Like is there a waiting period?” She let out a nervous laugh.
“Not that I’m aware of. I feel like a teen again around you, and that’s a good thing. I like this feeling.”
“Me, too. I feel so alive with you. Here we are getting all middle school-ish, deciding whether we’re boyfriend/girlfriend.” She laughed and continued, “So I guess it’s set, then? Dinner Friday night at my parents’?”
“Yes, it’s set. Friday night dinner. I’d be honored to meet your parents. I should get points for being a doctor.”
“Oh yes, you already have” she said as she scooped her omelet onto her plate and sat it on the table, placing the skillet in the sink before taking a seat at the table. “We’ll take my car Friday, if you want. You can meet me at my house, and we can go together.”
“Yeah, I can do that. What time?”
“Say five, meet at my place. I’ll give you directions then.”
“Sounds great, babe.” She smiled ear-to-ear after he called her babe.
“Okay, I’ll see you then. Have a great night.”
“You, too.” They each hung up the phone and she smiled as she stared into space, thinking of what had happened. Had they just entered into an official relationship? This was too good to be true, first her health improved, then she met this amazing guy. A sharp pain in her side broke her thoughts as she grabbed her side. Groaning in pain, she hunched over and tried to focus on something other than the pain. “It’ll pass, it’ll pass, it’ll pass, it’ll pass,” she said over and over. The pain slowly ceased, not as fast as she wanted it to but it did. She was now worried that her disease was coming back or getting worse, but feared more tests and more bad news results. For now, she’d stay quiet about it, unless it got too bad. Yes, she could push through this. It was nothing.
The next day she had lunch with Chantelle and Lyndsay at their regular meeting spot. For the past few weeks they’d met up on the same day each week to catch up. Lyndsay talked about how much fun Sam said she was having at the beach with Sophia. Chantelle’s relationship was picking up and getting more serious, and they all were so happy to see her focused on herself for the first time in a long while. Of course the questioning began about her and Carlos’ relationship and where things were headed. After she’d called to tell them how her date went with him that past Sunday they both had squealed with delight about the kiss. They had wanted all the details she was willing to give them and more. Lyndsay waved her over to the table and she smiled, taking a seat at the table.
“How are you?” Lyndsay asked as Chantelle took a sip from her glass of water.
“I’m great, and you?” It was nice and refreshing for the main topic not to be her health anymore, but her love life instead. It was definitely a change of pace for her.
“So, tell us…what’s new with your doctor?” Chantelle teased as the waitress came to take their order. They put the conversation on hold as they each placed their orders. Once the woman left to deliver their orders to the cook Marissa smiled and looked down at her hands then back up to her friends who stared at her anxiously waiting for her answer.
“Things are great. We are going to dinner at my parents’ on Friday. He’ll be meeting them.”
“So, you are together, together now? As in dating?” Chantelle asked.
“Yeah, seems like it,” she said with a nervous giggle.
Lyndsay smirked. “I told you, you should go out with him. I was right. You’re welcome.” Marissa shook her head and smiled.
Lunch went well as she told them her preparations for the upcoming school year. She was always so enthusiastic about going back to school, unlike the students. After lunch she parted ways with her friends and went straight to the pharmacy to pick up her prescription. She was counting down the days until Friday night. Carlos was meeting her parents, she was in a relationship--with a doctor at that. He was also such a great man who had many things in common with her and seemed to want the same things as she did. Fate had a funny way of doing things.
Once she got home, she decided to sit on the swing outside on the porch as the breeze blew. It wasn’t hot or cold, but the perfect temperature. Fall would be here before she knew it and it was her favorite season. Her hair flowed as the breeze played with it. Closing her eyes, she smiled and thought
about how happy she was. She’d overcome many trials and tribulations and now, the reward was something immeasurable. Things were finally falling into place and she couldn’t help but wonder about her future with Carlos. Would he be the man she married? Here she was thirty-three and had never been married. Smiling, she looked down at the book in her lap and began to read the newest Danielle Steele novel.
Before she knew it, Friday had come. The morning air was refreshing as she stood outside on her porch with her coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. Today was the day. She waved and smiled as the neighbor left for work. She couldn’t wait until she was leaving for work, she missed teaching so much. Her stomach was in knots slightly at the upcoming dinner with her parents. Marissa knew everything would go well, but what if lingered in her brain.
Her feelings continued to grow for this man, this man she couldn’t stop thinking about. She had always been attracted to him, but she never in a million years would have thought he was interested in her. They had become friends over the last two years of him treating her and grew closer when they spent more of their time with one another during her treatments and procedures. Continually testing and evaluating, he was determined to help her. It made her not want to give up either. For Sophia’s sake as well as her own. She’d fought through the hardest of days to be where she was today and wasn’t going to let that change.
She had so much on her to-do list today it would surely pass the time quickly. There were so many things she’d purchased for the next school year, planners and the like. School supplies for Sophia and herself. She couldn’t wait to get back into the classroom and decorate for each holiday. Her third graders were always so excited and hyper around holidays. Writing lesson plans and things to do with the kids on free days, she spent a good three hours doing that before gathering it all up and saving it away for now. The clock said it was nearly lunchtime. While she flipped through the channels and ate a salad, the phone rang as she smiled and answered.
“Not yet technically. It’s only twelve-ten so it’s not after noon fully,” he teased.
“It’s twelve minutes past noon right? So therefore it is, don’t argue, I’m right.”
“Ah, I forgot the golden rule.” He laughed as he continued, “I was just calling to see what you were doing. It’s quiet here as I eat lunch and I was thinking of you.”
“Is that so? Thinking of me? Whatever for?” She smiled as she asked playfully.
“Thinking of how lovely you’ll look tonight. Nervous about meeting your parents, and I miss you.”
She felt her heart speed up. His deep voice on the other end gave her chills as she imagined his arms around her and closed her eyes. “I miss you, too. Don’t worry about my parents, they’ll be fine and they don’t bite. Well, I don’t think they do anyway,” she said laughing. “And I can’t wait to see what the handsome doctor will be wearing.”
“Should I wear my scrubs? You know, make it more realistic. Dress like George Clooney from E.R.”
“My mom would die, not literally, but she just loves that show.” They both laughed.
“Well, I can’t let her die. I’ll dress normal. Same time?”
“Yes, same time. I’ll be ready, Doctor.”
He chuckled. “Sounds great. Thanks for letting me hear your voice, now I’m sure to have a great afternoon. Starting around one I assume, since that’s after noon.”
She just laughed and shook her head. “Technicality Carlos, technicality.”
“As long as it isn’t a penalty.” She loved how playful they could be, and serious when it mattered. She truly felt as if she was falling in love with this man. He was first and foremost her friend, but had evolved into more, more than she ever expected.
“No penalty. Unless you’re late.”
“I won’t be late, promise. I’ll talk to you later, you have a great lunch.”
“Thanks, and you, too.” After hanging up, she let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. He made her heart speed, skip, flip, and cartwheel all at once. This man was just amazing in every sense of the word. Her parents would love him, she was certain.
By the time it inched closer to five, she was a bundle of nerves. It was only a dinner at her parents so she settled on jeans with her black boots, and a nice casual dress shirt. Having had naturally curly hair most of her life and growing bored with it, she’d decided to try something different--a straight iron. She was more satisfied than she had expected; albeit different, it was still casual and relaxed, finally tame and not all over the place. Lyndsay had told her she should try it and had even gotten her one for her birthday a year ago. She finally built the nerve up to go for it and try it out. It wasn’t bad. Her hair was layered, the shortest just under her ears while the longest fell just below her shoulders; wanting something with a bit of a twist, she even managed to curl the bottom layer under for a more 'professional' look. Surprised and satisfied with her work, she looked at her hair from every angle. Her chestnut colored hair actually had shine and bounce to it. Her mother was going to flip.
Right on time, she heard the sound of an engine in her driveway. Checking her make-up one last time and saying a silent prayer that he liked her hair, she headed to the door to open it. She turned the knob and there he stood in dress slacks and the sexiest fitted black shirt.
“You look…great!” she said as he turned around to face her. He smiled and held a bouquet of flowers in his hands. “Carlos, you didn’t have to…” he looked at the bouquet and smiled.
“Oh, these aren’t yours. These are for your mom,” he said with a grin and stepped through the door, bringing the other hand from his back to reveal a second bouquet of roses. “These are yours.” She smiled and took them, inhaling their sweet scent. He wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her close to him then kissed her lips softly as he pulled her body against his. Inhaling her perfume as he kissed her, when he broke the kiss she looked up at him. “And I love your hair. You look amazing as you always do.”
She blushed and looked down, letting out a small chuckle. “Thank you. I wanted to try something different. Lyndsay’s been urging me to try it out, so here it is. These flowers are beautiful. Let me put them in some water before we leave.”
He nodded and she smiled. “I think it looks great on you babe.” Following her inside, he watched as she grabbed a vase from the cabinet, filled it with water about halfway and then unwrapped them from their plastic, placing them in the vase. He smiled at her as she arranged them perfectly. “Are you ready? Don’t want to be late.” He seemed a bit nervous but she didn’t blame him. What man wouldn’t be nervous about meeting his…girlfriend’s parents?
She nodded and grabbed her keys and purse. “Ready to meet the parents?”
He grinned, “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
She had parked on the opposite side of the double car garage and slid into the driver side as he got into the passenger side of her car. He set the flowers that were for her mother down and leaned over to kiss her softly.
“She’s going to love those by the way,”
He grinned and nodded, “That’s what I was hoping for.”
As she drove down the curving highway to her parents’ beach house, they talked about his day and the daily happenings from the week. He’d had to cancel their lunch date on Thursday because he was called into surgery.
She told him about her lunch date with the girls and that they were doing well. She omitted their chatter about him, which she was sure he knew took place, but she couldn’t tell him that. Her hand rested on the shift as he placed his gently on top of hers and closed his hand around hers. She smiled and glanced over at him. He gave her butterflies, something she wasn’t sure she ever had.
Once she pulled into the long drive that led down to the beach houses she took a deep breath and braced herself. Everything would turn out well, she told herself. Her mother and father stood waiting on the front porch along with the girls. She s
miled and waved before parking and turning off the engine. He began to exit the car as she grabbed her purse and then stepped out of the driver’s seat. Sophia ran up to her with open arms.
“Momma! I missed you!” she said with a laugh.
It had only been a week at most but she’d missed her daughter just as much. Stooping down low to hug her back, she kissed her cheek. “I missed you, too, baby. Are you having fun? Being good?”
Sophia nodded and smiled as she pointed her thumb towards Carlos who approached the steps holding the bouquet behind him. She whispered in her mom’s ear, “Is he your boyfriend now?” Pulling back to look at her mom’s face with the biggest smile, she waited anxiously for confirmation. Marissa smiled and nodded, looking down. Sophia let out a squeal of delight and clapped. “Yay! Yay!” She gave her mom a high five and they both laughed.
Standing back up, she walked back to the house with Sophia and caught the end of his conversation with her parents.
“Mom, Dad, this is Carlos Martinez. Carlos, meet my mom, Susanne, and my dad, Mike. This is where I grew up,” she said as she held her arms out, showing the property off.
He looked around and nodded. “It’s beautiful here, and I’m so glad to meet you both,” he held his hand out for Mike to shake first, then Susanne. When she gave him her hand to shake, he held it in his hand and moved the other from around his back, placing the bouquet in her hands and smiled. “These are for you. I hope you like them.”
Susanne’s mouth dropped open slightly as she took the bouquet and smiled, “Oh Carlos, they are beautiful,” she took a whiff of the flowers before adding, “…and smell so good. I’m going to put them in water. Why don’t you all come in, dinner’s ready.”
They all went into the house following Susanne as she led the way, the girls snickering behind them all as they walked. Carlos took Marissa’s hand in his and walked beside her. He looked over his shoulder and flashed a smile at the girls who giggled more.
Marissa was curious about the questions her parents would ask him, and prayed it was nothing that would embarrass her. Of course they wouldn’t do it purposely but surely family dinners were always a basis for embarrassment. Sophia winked at her and gave her a thumbs up when she turned to look at them both. Marissa smiled and shook her head playfully at Sophia, before looking up at Carlos and smiling. It was now or never, as she clutched his hand for support, he returned her squeeze and nodded, reassuring her everything would work out fine. And she trusted him.