Circle of Secrets Page 30
“Family of Marissa Hayes?” Susanne nodded. “Okay, well, we did run into a slight problem with the double J stent, it was too large for her ureter but we were able to find a smaller one. It seems the disease had spread and affected it but the dialysis and treatment helped with that. If this kidney is not rejected, it should go back to normal and the damage will be minuscule.” Everyone seemed to tense in fear at the complication, looking at her wide-eyed and some with sad eyes waiting for the worst. “But overall, the surgery was a complete success. We have to watch her closely over the next few days to make sure the new kidney is not rejected and then we’re in the clear. So, as of now…we’re not out of the woods yet, but I am confident that things will go smoothly. Do you have any questions?”
Helen nodded as Susanne turned to Mike and hugged him tightly in thankfulness. “I do, when can we see them?”
The doctor looked at her watch. “They should be in recovery for a while until they wake from the anesthetic, but after that they will be placed in a room. I’d say an hour to an hour and a half. You all have time to go get lunch if you wish, today’s special is great.” She offered a warm smile and Helen exhaled a sigh of relief with a nod.
“Thank you so much, Doctor. Thank you.” Susanne said with tear-filled eyes. They all echoed their thanks and Dr. McKeon smiled and nodded before leaving the room. Waking Sophia, they told her the good news and suggested lunch which she agreed to. With calm nerves and confident hearts, they all traveled to the cafeteria to wait out the time until they could see Marissa and Carlos.
Chapter Nineteen
Three months later
Recovery was a slow process but together with the help of their family and friends it wasn’t so bad. The two week hospital stay was long and restless, both wanting the comfort of home and of being in each other’s arms. Sophia spent a lot of time asking questions about the recovery and how her mom’s health would improve. The test results had showed that the transplant was a success and her body seemed to be taking it well. Thanksgiving was spent in the hospital but Susanne made a point to bring them both well-filled plates of home-cooked food. Lyndsay was great about bringing food for them to eat instead of hospital food. For a while their diets were strict, but the Thanksgiving ham that her mother made always melted in her mouth. It was practically a Thanksgiving get-together in her hospital room, shared with Carlos. They were released in the first week of December but still placed on light duty. Carlos went back to work and Marissa tried to get back to her life. There was still a chance of rejection but the doctors said that after sixty days the risk decreased dramatically.
Christmas had come and Mike, Susanne, Marissa and Sophia took a trip to Tennessee to see Helen and her family. Carlos had to work but insisted she go and he’d see her when she returned. It was a great family visit, everyone meeting one another and getting to know each other. Marissa was able to talk to her brothers and they seemed more accepting of her. Her nieces and nephews loved Sophia and the children all played for the longest time. Tyson welcomed her into the family with open arms as did everyone else. Joseph’s health still wasn’t great and he seemed to be declining. Helen assured her that she was fine, but Marissa knew she was struggling with the fact that her father was getting worse and that the end result was bad, and possibly soon. They tried to enjoy the holiday and make the most of the time they did have with him. Marissa finally met Joseph and Helen introduced them, although he didn’t understand who she was or remember. He was kind to her but it was evident that the more Helen tried to explain the more confused he’d get.
She chalked it up to being what it was and that there was nothing she could do but accept it. Marissa promised Helen she’d call her and the visitors headed back to North Carolina the day after Christmas and rested. Carlos came over that night and asked how the trip went. She told him about Joseph and how she was able to connect with her half-brothers, getting to know them. It had gone well but she was tired from the trip; he held her in his arms and ran his fingers through her hair while they talked about things. Work, the trip to Tennessee, whether and when she’d go back to work, everything. He grinned and looked down at her.
“Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention. My parents are coming down in January, they can’t wait to meet you.”
Suddenly she felt like she’d hyperventilate, she wasn’t expecting that at all. “Your…your parents? Meet me? Really?” She sat up and looked at him as he smiled and nodded. “They want to meet me…they…they’re okay with…with us? The engagement?”
He creased his forehead and tilted his head. “Why wouldn’t they be?”
“I don’t know maybe because you didn’t tell them until after? Because they aren’t going to meet me until now? Do they feel a bit left out of the loop or something?”
He chuckled. “No, of course not. They know that I’m happy and I love you and to them that’s all that matters.” He cupped her face and kissed away her worries.
The whole time until his parents arrived in town she spent wondering what they were like, if they’d like her, if she’d fit in with his family, everything. When she and Sophia arrived at his place on the beach, her stomach was in knots and she felt like she’d vomit. Sophia did her best to convince her mother that things would be fine and they’d love her because she was a great mommy. What would she do without that little girl? With shaky hands, she walked up to the door with her arm draped over Sophia’s shoulders. Carlos answered and helped them inside, kissing her cheek and taking her hand.
“Mom, Dad…this is Marissa and her daughter Sophia. Marissa, this is my mom and dad, Philippe and Rosa Martinez.”
Rosa stood from the couch and gave her a warm smile as she approached Marissa.
“Hi, It’s nic-” Her words were cut off by Rosa wrapping her arms around Marissa and hugging her tight. Marissa hugged her back and looked at Carlos who stood there watching and smiling. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Martinez.”
Rosa pulled back and shook her head, “You call me Rosa, or Ma. You’re so beautiful, Oh Carlos look at her. You’ve chosen a lovely bride.” Her accent was thick and made Marissa smile and blush.
“Well thank you, Rosa, you’re too kind.”
“Phil, come over here and say hello to our new soon-to-be daughter-in-law!” She was beaming with delight over meeting Marissa. Philippe came to hug Marissa and welcome her to the family. Rosa bent down to smile at Sophia, “And you must be Sophia, you’re so pretty just like your mama. I’m Rosa, you can call me Miss Rosa or whatever you like.”
Sophia smiled and hugged the woman who looked up at Carlos beaming ear-to-ear. They all sat down for dinner and talked about how they met and their relationship. Rosa asked question after question, excited about it all. “Have you set a date yet?”
Marissa looked up at Carlos and shook her head. “No, unfortunately with all the treatments and the surgery we haven’t even talked about it really. Soon though, we’ll start planning. I think.” She chuckled and everyone joined in. The dinner went great and Rosa adored Sophia and Marissa. Philippe was mostly quiet but he did seem to like them as well. During their stay they had dinner with Marissa’s parents and learned about her mother Helen and Marissa’s journey to find her. Rosa was blown away by her courage and determination, telling her what a strong woman she was and that she was perfect for her son.
Marissa was happy that Carlos’ mother liked her and felt really welcomed to the family. Her parents seemed to like his parents and everything was on the right track.
By the time March came around she felt like her old self, getting back into routine and renewing her energy each day with yoga. She wanted to go back to teaching, Mr. Bennett told her that they would love her back in the fall if her health was better and she received a letter of clearance from her doctor, which Mr. Bennett insisted on. Things were again falling into place and she was confident that this time it would work out, all of it.
“How about something in May?” Carlos suggested.
sa looked at the calendar and shook her head no, “Nah, we have the awards for Sophia that month, Mother’s day, and my mom’s birthday. Just...too much.”
He nodded and continued to think.
She looked at the calendar and smiled. “June…our first date was in June and the eighth is a Saturday close to that date we had on the sixth. What do you think?” She tapped the pen against her lips and he turned to look at her as he thought about what she said.
“Marrying on our one year dating anniversary. Is that when we became…official?” he said with a grin and she tilted her head to the side pursing her lips playfully.
“Not exactly official, official but…we did kiss.”
He agreed with her and continued to rub her feet that were draped over his legs. Running his hands up and down her smooth skin on her bare legs, he nodded. “Okay, June eighth it is. That’s only a few months away, do you think that’s enough time?”
“It should be, it doesn’t have to be extravagant. I think we can do it, but we need to let our families know and soon.”
He sighed and leaned forward to grab his phone off the coffee table, “I’ll call mine, and you call yours.”
She nodded and took the phone from the cradle, about to dial her parents’ home phone when it rang in her hand. The caller id showed it was Helen and she smiled as Carlos thumbed through his contact list.
“Hey Helen, I was just about to call you in a few. I have some news.” She paused and heard her mother sobbing on the other end. Her heart dropped to her stomach and she felt ill. “Helen? What…what is it?”
With a trembling voice Helen continued to sob and tried to speak. “He’s gone. My dad…he…he’s gone, Marissa. Your grandfather…has passed.” Marissa covered her mouth with a horrified look, her eyes wide. Carlos shifted to look at her with concern.
“Oh, Helen…I’m so sorry. Really, is there anything I can do? When and how did it happen? Are you okay?” Marissa rambled her questions out not knowing what to say to her mother. She’d lost her grandfather on her father’s side when she was in high school but they weren’t that close, and even not being close to Joseph she was still sad and hurt to know he’d passed.
“It was quick, his heart gave out on him in his sleep and he died peacefully,” Helen managed to say between sobs. “I can’t believe he’s gone, I just…” She began to cry again and Marissa heard the sounds of the phone being shifted and then heard Tyson Sr. on the other line.
“Marissa, this is Tyson. We found out this morning and are calling all the family to let them know the arrangements. Helen is in bad shape and this has hit her hard. The wake will be in two days and the funeral is the day after that. If you can come that would be great, but we understand if you cannot. How are you, by the way?” He was so soft-spoken and calm and it calmed Marissa, hearing him speak so soothingly.
“I’m doing well, getting my strength back. I think I can make it. I want to be there, please tell her I will try very hard to make it. If she needs to talk just tell her to call me no matter the time and tell her…tell her I love her and I’m so sorry for her loss.”
“I will do that, she’s just a wreck right now. Thank you for your condolences, sweetheart. Kiss Sophia for us and tell everyone we said hello.”
“I will, thank you Tyson.” With that they ended the call and she looked up at Carlos as he watched her, quietly waiting for an answer. “Helen’s dad, Joseph, passed away this morning in his sleep. She said his heart gave out.”
He sighed and shook his head. “Wow, sorry to hear that. Do they know the arrangements?”
Marissa nodded. “The wake is in two days and the funeral will be the day after that. I really want to go but I’m not sure if I can handle the long drive alone and I can’t ask you to take off work again, that isn’t right. Maybe my mom will bring me.”
“Don’t worry about that, if she can’t I will. I’m sure I can work something out. I never use my vacation days, do you know how much vacation and sick time I’ve accumulated?” He waited a beat with a smile. “A lot. Trust me, I can take off if you need me there. Will you take Sophia with you?”
She smiled then pondered his question, “Well, I’m not sure. I mean it was her great-grandfather after all. She didn’t know him but Helen would love to see her again. It may help her.”
Carlos nodded. “Whatever you decide I’ll be behind you. Just let me know tomorrow and I can make the arrangements.”
She nodded and looked down at the phone, feeling somber over Helen and how she was taking all of this.
* * * *
Marissa, Carlos and Sophia arrived in town a day before the wake. It worked out perfectly really, Carlos was scheduled to be off from the hospital and due to the upcoming Easter weekend, the office would be closed as well. Susanne and Mike sent sympathy cards to Helen and Tyson in their time of sorrow. Sophia asked about the man who had passed, knowing it to be Helen’s father and therefore making him her grandfather on her mother’s side. She was curious about how he died and wanted to know about him. She had questions Marissa couldn’t answer but still she tried to gently explain about his condition. Sophia had a big heart and she was hurting from seeing Helen cry. The whole time the wake was going on Sophia wouldn’t budge from Helen’s side, wanting to hear stories Helen told the other grandchildren and anyone who’d listen. Marissa and Carlos expressed their sympathy for Helen’s loss, sitting together as they said a rosary for Joseph. Carlos was speaking with Tyson in the lobby while Marissa poured herself another cup of coffee. She heard footsteps and turned to see Helen enter the kitchen, wiping a tear away.
“We’re about to move things to the church.”
Marissa set the coffee down and went to Helen, hugging her tightly. “How are you holding up?”
Helen smiled softly and pulled back from the hug to look at Marissa. “I’m…I’m okay. Well as can be expected. Knowing he passed peacefully helps, but it just came as such a shock. And it shouldn’t you know, I mean he was sick and his health was not improving, I should have seen it coming. I should have known.”
“Hey, hey. Shhh, no. No. Don’t think like that. He was a strong man, you told me so yourself.” Marissa pulled her back into a hug as Helen sobbed softly on her daughter’s shoulder. The wake the day before had wielded many of the people Joseph knew and worked with, he was a very popular man. That morning when they arrived at the funeral home, they were notified that the services would begin at eleven. They stood like that until Tyson alerted them that it was time to head to the church for the funeral to begin. Mass services through the Catholic Church was something everyone in her family had done. His coffin was a nice white color with intricate designs on the side. Tyson was one of the pallbearers and Marissa sat with Helen and her brothers while the service progressed. Helen said a few words and then they went to the burial site. It was such a sunny day, no cloud in the sky, the air was nice and cool. Perfect…if not for the gloom with sadness and grief over the loss of Joseph.
Later that night most of the extended family had left, leaving only Carlos and Marissa, Grace and Tyson II, Brent and Abby and Helen and Tyson along with all the children. Sophia played with the younger kids and taught them how to color in the lines as they were sprawled out on the living room floor. Everyone else sat at the dining room table sharing stories of Joseph. Marissa felt like she knew him now, he had been a good man. He had meant well. She wished she could have met him before his memory was taken by dementia. Brent looked over at Marissa and smiled. “So, what’s been happening with you sis? I heard about the surgery, you look great. How are you feeling?”
Marissa turned her head to look at him and smiled back, feeling warm inside that he’d called her sis. “Yes, the surgery and recovery went great. Carlos was playing golf with the guys before I was back to my old self. He’s a fast healer.” They all laughed. “I’m feeling much better now though, thank you. He had a strong organ and I’m happy that he decided to share.” She smiled at Carlos and he kissed her cheek.
/> “Oh, we also heard about the engagement, congrats! Can I see the ring?” Abby asked and Grace nodded eagerly as Marissa held out her left hand for them to inspect the rock. The somberness had slowly begun to dissipate as the conversations shifted to being normal and not about death and loss. Oooh’s and ahhh’s were heard from the women looking at the ring.
“Well, you’ve got yourself a keeper there. Nice taste, Carlos.” Grace said with a smile.
“Congratulations on the engagement. Have you guys set a date yet?” Tyson II asked.
Marissa and Carlos exchanged a look and she smiled then turned to look at Helen, “I was going to tell you…later. I mean, I didn’t know when the right time would be but since they asked…” She looked around at everyone’s gazes on her and nodded. “We have, we’re thinking June eighth, this summer. It would be a year from our first date.”
Carlos took her hand in his and smiled. “I couldn’t convince her about next week. But any day is good with me as long as I get to spend the rest of my life with her.”
“Awww, that’s so sweet!” Grace said, Abby nodded in agreement.
“Oh, I’m so happy to hear that! June is a great month. I’m so happy for the both of you, really.” Helen beamed with pride as she clutched Tyson’s hand and smiled at her children who sat around the dining room table. It was if nothing had changed or had been different. Like Marissa had been a part of their family her whole life. The men laughed at Carlos’ comment and exchanged handshakes with him, then began to talk about the basketball games that were playing during the last week of March Madness. Marissa continued to smile as she talked wedding ideas with Helen, Grace and Abby. The men headed out of the room with their bets on who would make the finals. It had been an intense day of emotions, surprises and a bit of happiness through the grief.